Nikon SLR Cameras



It is Christmas time and parental units are asking me what lens I want this year! What is your favorite lens you use for wedding/engagement photography? Canon lenses please, however if you are a Nikon shooter go ahead and share, I can research the Canon equivalent. A general purpose lens would be nice, but share your favorite!


You really should mention the camera you have, the budget and the lenses you already have.

For wedding photography the 24-70mm f2.8L is synomous with weddings.
That lens ended up being too heavy for my style. Now i use the 24mm f2.8@and 50mm f1.8 as my main lenses on my canon 500d.

The 28mm f1.8 is also nice but it is too soft wide open.

The 70-200mm f2.8L is a lens everyone should own at some point.

The 16-35mm f2.8L is also a great lens if you arent afraid of getting close to your subject.

You should really choose the lena that fills the gap in your equipment list. You don't need two wide angles or two fast primes.

On my primary camera body. A rangefinder, i love using a 40mm f1.4 and a 21mm f4. They are great for street, wedding and photojournalism


My favorite canon lense that I use on my wedding photograps is the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM Lens. It's the best that I had and it's also one of the most-professionally-used Canon lense. See for youself.

Eric Lefebvre
Eric Lefebvre

The two staples of wedding photography for Canon are the 24-70 f2.8 L and the 70-200 f2.8 L but I'm thinking that these will be outside the xmas gift range as they are 1600$Can and 2600$Can + tax.

Another good lens is the 50mm f1.4 and it's a bit more affordable than the other two (350$Can + tax).

But for general purpose, I use my 24-70 f2.8 L almost 90% of the time.


Lets not forget the 85mm 1.4.It has been a favorite focal length of wedding photogs for years.

I use a 35-70 f/2.8 Nikkor, this is the ideal range for the photojournalistic wedding shooter.

Look at KEH.


I don't really have a favorite. It all depends on the situation.

A basic 28-90mm zoom lens (or 18-55mm if you are talking digital) is very versatile. However I commonly use a 75-300mm lens so that I can get close shots of people from far away.

I would like to get an 85mm lens for my film camera, but they are sort of pricey (that would be a 50mm for digital).

Obviously the faster the better (by faster I mean f2.8 or lower)