Kogan shipping times?

Ok so i have ordered a Nikon 3200 from Kogan, i payed and confirmed it on December 27th, and have received 3 emails now, regarding my order.here is the first one:
We're currently processing your order and expect to confirm it for dispatch shortly.
And here is the 2nd:
Your order has been processed for dispatch at one of our international facilities and we expect to confirm the shipment shortly.
The second was received on Friday 6pm, is it possible it will be shipped tomorrow? (Monday 31st)?
and if it is how long should i expect it to arrive to my house in Perth Western Australia? The normal time is 3- 5 days but some say it took just 2 days? So when?
- I don't want any people saying "it will take 3-5 days", all i want is someone who has ordered off kogan and received a camera from a name like Nikon or canon, do you think it will be possible for it to arrive on Friday? 4th?

There's no fixed time which is why you are quoted 3 to 5 days!
It is Christmas/New Year - folk are on holiday at the same time as folk are spending cash in sales.
Reckon on the full 5 working days so Friday 4th is realistic but be too disappointed if it doesn't arrive until Monday 7th.