I'm looking for a certain nikon camera?
It was a little point and shoot that took film. I probably had it 10 years ago. It had a built in tiny zoom and shake control.
Added (1). I'm looking for the model number. I was thinking at a camera swap. It was a good little camera and went though a lot.
It's going to be physically impossible to find that same type of camera either "New" which would be Discontinued for years, or even "Used" where would most likely doesn't even work.
You will have to spend some time looking on the internet looking for such a camera.
Here is such a cameras user manual.
Too bad you do not remember the model camera you had. That would make it much easier to find one
Here is Nikon's own list of cameras it has produced:
I doubt even they would have detailed information on all of their older products. You're more likely to find info on enthusiast websites.
Nikon Zoom 700VR could very well have been it. Nikon's first with shake control and a pretty good and rather expensive camera.http://imaging.nikon.com/lineup/filmcamera/compact/zoom700vr_700vr_qd/index.htm
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