How to make your iPhone like a Tumblr Camera?

I know many people on Tumblr use Nikon Cameras, but I've read that you don't have to have a Nikon to get pictures like they do. Any apps out there or suggestions? I have an iPhone 5c.

Tumblr contains a wide range of photography. Sure, a lot of it is teenage angst garbage, but some of it is really good. If you want to emulate the former type of stuff, you just need to point your iPhone at absolutely anything (even yourself, if you really, really have to), make no attempt to compose it (or even focus it) and snap away. Then plaster those godawful filters (or "apps"… Rolls eyes) over it until it looks nothing like the original. Boom, you have a modern masterpiece which even makes Tracey Emin's bed look good.
If you're one of the few who wants to actually take decent photos, you can do that with almost anything. I've seen excellent shots with an iPhone, terrible shots with incredibly expensive Nikons, and vice versa too. The point is that the camera accounts for maybe ten per cent of the picture's overall worth, the other ninety coming from experience, choice of subject matter, technique, knowledge of light and framing, and a bunch of other things which most photographers wouldn't recognise if they came up and introduced themselves.

It helps if the image being captured is in a place the rest of the world will never be
And it helps if you understand how a still image is composed within the frame…
But to be clear, a phone that happens to have a digital still image capture device as a convenience feature will not replace a dSLR that does not have a phone for a convenience feature. The lenses are very different - as are the imaging sensors, focal length, shutter, iris/aperture…
Use a tripod or other steadying device.
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