How much does it cost for manufacturers to produce photography equipment?

I was just curious. How much does it cost Nikon / Canon / Sony / etc. To produce a single piece of equipment (lenses, bodies, etc.)

It is quiet a hefty sum to get equipments in photography. But its worth it because the are very useful in giving the best results. And any photographer will know that a perfect getting a perfect shot is priceless. There are packages that the equipments come in, you can check any photography shop and query. Here is a link that you can follow that has Flex Agility Studio information. They are pretty good and have experience.

It does depend on the quality and complexity of the item being made. In the 60s Pentax were suspected of selling their superb Takumar lenses for less than they cost to make. They weren't cheap but the quality beat everything else available even at twice the price. Polaroid cameras were soplkd below production cost with the makers recovering their loss on the expensive film.
Today things are a bit too competitive for such behaviour. We see the wannabe fashionistas favourite brand Lomographt having cameras made for perhaps 50 cents and selling them for $80 or, with the addition of another 20 cents worth of plastic accessories, $150 and more.
For the respectable makers you can assume a basic production cost of around 10% of retail price. Marketing, research, rents, advertising, customer service etc are all costs that then have to added in.

I'm sure it's a lot less than what they sell it for. (to pay for bloated salaries for their ceo's and marketing execs)