Nikon SLR Cameras

How much can I sell a Nikon 5005 AF for with additional lenses?

Kristen Pollick
Kristen Pollick

It's in great condition and it has three lenses, one big zoom lens, one flash exposure, and one "blacks optical exposure" in its box. I have no use for it and will probably be listing it on etsy or ebay

Added (1). Sorry, i'm not the best with cameras.

one says "Auto tele converter 2 x"

there are "close up" no. 1, 2, and 4,
an electra 166a flash exposure i believe,
and the large one i can't name says "auto dejur 1:2.8 f=135mm no. 800875"

thats all i got


That depends on what lenses you have. "One big zoom lens" isn't very helpful


Check eBay or Craiglist for similar items either in package or individually.

Without seeing the condition and checking the web, I will say couple hundred bucks at the most.


Its a 35mm camera. You probably wouldn't sell it on ebay as its probably worth about £40 british pounds with the whole kit. If you're lucky.