Nikon SLR Cameras

How hard can you drop a nikon scope with out breaking it?


How hard can you drop a nikon scope with out breaking it?


There's only one way to find out.


I would have to assume that would depend on what it landed on, and what part of the scope hit first, as well as how well constructed the scope happens to be. Not to mention what effect the added or lessened weight of being on a rifle, or not, would be… There can be alot of difference between dropping it on a pillow and dropping it on a rock… And the added weight of a rifle behind it when it hits.

Actually, this is an impossible question to answer, particularly the way it's written… Think about it, you can drop a glass drinking glass one time and it may just hit and bounce… But then again it may shatter into a thousand pieces. You never know for sure… Your best bet is to avoid dropping the scope to find out. Most Nikon scopes are not cheap, so why even take the chance.

jack of some trades
jack of some trades

Probably 5 feet… Aside from asking Nikon I doubt anyone's got $500 disposable cash to buy a scope to destruction test it.