How come South Korea and Japan is more advanced than Eastern European countries?

After WW2 Japan and South Korea became so modernized and rich. The best electronic companies are in South Korea - LG, Samsung, Nexon etc. Japan has Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo, Nikon, Canon etc. Japan has cars like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mazda, Mitsubishi etc.
Yes when they were governed by Dictators they could not come up with anything. But after they had the opportunity and democracy allowed them to. But After fall of Communism offer 20 years ago Eastern European countries still strugle. They have never invented something that the whole world uses or knows about…
Added (1). When i say Eastern European i do not mean just Russia… Same thing applies for Poland and Ukraine and countless of others
Added (2). @Hayley
you're pretty dumb for "top contributor". Maybeu are trolling.
Added (3). @Hayley
you're pretty dumb for "top contributor". Maybeu are trolling.

Because the communism in eastern europe stopped them from developing advanced technologies

Actually Hayley is dead on. You have answered your own question & she backed it up. They lack a electronics or much of a arms industry aside from the former Yugoslavia. Sorry, she is not a troll.

They were capitalistic while eastern Europe had communism for about 50 years and the USSR for 70.
A system that tries to plan the economy from the top down is doomed to lag behind one that allows for a free market because there's no way for the central planners to accurately tell where resources should go.
In a free market there are price signals and people making choices on the basis of what is best for themselves. So if the price of lets say apples increases you see more apple orchards.
The problem today- is Eastern Europe is still in transition and they have Western Europe keeping them down with their economic problems. Which were caused by them being Keynesians and unwilling to pay on their debt.

Let's see… South Korea has a bunch of Americans still stationed there.
Japan has a bunch of Americans still stationed there.
Germany has a bunch of Americans still stationed there.
All countries with good economies and high technology.
Romania? No Americans. Lithuania? No Americans. Poland? No Americans.
See a pattern?
Trolling? All those countries I listed had America's help rebuilding their country. That's a fact. Why is it that those countries are in better shape than those Eastern Bloc countries? Because America helped out those countries. Did the Russians do anything for those countries? Nope.
I'm pretty dumb huh? Yeah, if you're so smart then explain why I'm wrong. Oh, you can't! Because I'm right! Who is the dumb one?
And Top Contributor doesn't mean jack sh*t. To associate Top Contributor status as intelligence means you are lacking in intelligence yourself. It just means you popped out a ton of answers.
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