Nikon SLR Cameras

Good DSLR for macro photography?


I was looking for a good DSLR camera for macro photography. I don't need one with many bells and whistles but I'd like it to have a fairly high resolution, around 12-14 MP. I don't have too much money so about 300-400 would be my price range. Obviously, the camera manufacturer would have to be one that also makes macro lenses and is reputable such as Canon, Nikon, Olympus, etc. If you have any other personal experience, feel free to share.
Thanks in advance!

Added (1). Sorry for the confusion, the price range is only for the camera body. I'm willing to spend more for a macro lens.




Because just about all dSLR's can produce high quality images. All you need to do is add the macro lens.

Your largest challenge? Finding the additional money you need to pay for a nice entry level dSLR ($650) and a good macro lens ($600)

When I was a medical media photographer, I used Nikon's and Nikkor macro lenses. I still do, now that we're using digital cameras

MN Ghost
MN Ghost

Pretty much what fhotoace said. The key to a good macro photo is going to be in the lens, not the body. Nikon and Canon are the most popular brands and have the most variety of lenses/accessories, so you really can't go wrong with either of them. Any of their camera bodies will do what you are looking for. Your real trick is going to be finding a good macro lens for the price point you specified, as that will easily be more than $300-400 by itself.

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

You might not have enough money to get what you want right now.

There's no such thing as a best dSLR for macro photography.dSLRs don't have lenses permanently attached to them. The question you should be asking about is 'what's the best macro lens… ".

Since new dSLRs start out at around 500 US dollars you don't have enough money. Some come with a basic kit lens, but it's not good for macro photography. A good macro lens will cost a few hundred dollars, and a really stunning one could cost several times that.

While you are saving up money… Most compact digital cameras can take a decent macro shot. Just put the camera in macro mode, and make sure you have plenty of light. I have an old fuji compact digital camera, the image quality is usually garbage, however in macro mode I can get closer to objects than I can with my dSLR because I don't have any real macro lenses for my dSLR.


You need a macro lens all dslt would b fine but your budget is too low