Give FINAL VERDICT on which CAMERA to buy among these?
I'm really confused by head-storming reviews with pros and cons of these cameras, so after eliminating others, finally I've come to choose these three:
1. Nikon Coopix P520
2. Canon Powershot SX50
3. Sony Cybershot DSC-H300
I have already a Canon Ixus 105 (12.1MP, 5x Optical Zoom), and I'm intending to buy a camera for bird photography mainly.
Now tell me Which one to buy?
The one you should have got, and still can at a great price as it has just been discontinued, is the Fuji HS50 EXR.
You could get bird photos like these from it:
Otherwise get the Canon SX50… You are already familiar with the Canon layout and menu structures.
Out of those 3 the Canon is easily best and the Nikon is the worst, but for a bridge camera I'd be looking at Fujifilm as they are much better value for money and have the best viewfinders.
For me (and I looked at the Nikon and Canon but hot the Sony) I would go first for the Canon then the Nikon second.