Stores in America to purchase nikon d800 and lenses?

Hi, I'm an Egyptian and I want to buy a camera nikon d800, I'm going to visit San francisco, las vegas and New York and i want to know at which store could i find this camera… Thanks for help.

The camera is new and scarce everywhere. Nikon is still suffering from the flood damage to their supply chain. If you really want a D800 and you see one in a store, buy it. But nobody has a steady supply of them in stock.

As mentioned… The D800's are few and far between.
The best place would be the photographers "kid in a candy store"… B&H Photo in New York After that, you would just need to check the different camera shops in each of those places.
About the only thing I could suggest is that you call B&H to pre-order one to get on a waiting list and hope it comes in when you are in New York. Then if you find one somewhere else before it does, then cancel the order.
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