Choosing my first Nikon DSLR

I'm a college graphic design student looking to purchase my first DSLR, but have no idea where to begin. I have some experience with SLR cameras, and I'm looking for one with great image quality and ISO, but not too expensive. I've been recommended the D700 but it seems a bit out of my price range (I'll be using student loans). Considering possibly a D700, D5000, or D3000? Any suggestions?
PS- I have already decided on Nikon with the guidance of professors and peers, so please don't try to sell me any Canons.
Added (1). I was considering the D7000 not D700.

Since you already have experience with SLRs, i think you can skip the entry level segment. Reasonable choices would be either the D90 or the D7000. Both will serve you well, it really depends on your financial situation. You'd probably be better off with a D90 and a fine lens than with a D7000 and a mediocre lens though. This is what a D90 is capable of in skilled hands, it should be more than enough:
It uses the same sensor as the almost legendary D300 after all.

Well the D3000 and D5000 are discontinued so forget that
The D7000 came out last week and while first impressions seem good, i'd wait for a real review and real ISO pictures in the coming weeks before making a decision.
If you were to purchase TODAY and have the money, D700 hands down.
If thats not in your budget, wait for reviews on the D7000 and compare them side by side with the D90. The D90 should be a bit cheaper.

Your professors are eh. No one should tell you to just go with this or that brand because Canon and Nikon are pretty much the same thing. It depends on the model.
D3000 - Has no AF motor, no Live View.
D5000 - Has no AF motor, is good
D3100 - Better than both above with less noise at higher ISO
D7000 - Excellent!
Just wondering, where is the D300s.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy (Amazon links) -

I would suggest going with Nikon D7000 16.2MP DX-Format CMOS Digital SLR
#High Resolution 16.2 MP DX-format CMOS sensor
#High Speed 6 frames per second continuous shooting up to 100 shots
#Breathtaking Full 1080p HD Movies with Full Time Autofocus
#Dynamic ISO range from 100 to 6400
#Ground-breaking 2, 016-pixel RGB (3D Color Matrix) exposure sensor