Nikon SLR Cameras

Buying a Nikon D800 in Hong Kong?


Anyone knows where I can by the Nikon D800 in Honk Kong? I mean do you know where is actually available?


Any reputable camera store will have them. Call before you go to make sure.

Crim Liar
Crim Liar

Just be prepared to shell out extra for a global warranty, which could easily make buying in HK more expensive than buying at home. That warranty is going to be a good idea as Nikon seems to be having a few issues with the D800.

Lou G
Lou G

Look at digital rev. If I where you, I would wait a couple of month until all the problems they have with it are resolved. There are problems on firmware level making the camera switch off by it's own and some focusing issues.


No, digital rev sells parallel imports, which has European and Taiwan warranty.
Look at what they sell on eBay and you will know.

There are lots of reputing shops in Hong Kong
Fortress, Broadway. Etc
These are big ones you see from TV too.