Nikon SLR Cameras

First time to make a self portrait, please rate


Well, this is just my first time to make a self portrait using my Nikon. Any tips on how I could enhance my shots? Is the lighting just right?
Any comment will be very much appreciated.
Here's the pic by the way:


This looks like a snapshot rather than a portrait. It is kind of grainy and you can see any detail. It looks like lens flare. The lighting is on the right track since there's some shadow on the face but it's really blown out loosing quality on your face. Also I would try something that is not straight on. It's visually plain. If you added a little angle or head tilt it may be visually more pleasing.


This is just a snapshot.

George Y
George Y

It's not very sharp and perhaps out of focus. Chances are you were too close to the camera and too close for the camera/lens combination to focus. Put the camera on a tripod or flat surface, and zoom out to about 50mm or so. On a crop-sensor camera, that's considered the ideal portrait focal length.

Lighting is pretty washed out. You might do do better with better lighting as your nose has a noticeable shadow. If you are using side lighting for effect, you can use white paper or cardboard to reflect some of the light on your shadow side to cut the contrast.

As for focus, find something that will be the exact distance you'll have between your camera and the front of your face. Using a self-timer sometimes causes the camera to focus on the blank wall behind you before you can run into the shot. Ideally, you should be able to distinguish the hairs on your head and eyebrows.

I'd also be careful of backgrounds. Looks like a shelf is photobombing you and is a slight distraction. Either use a plain background, or an out-of-focus one like a fence or plants. If so, then use a wider aperture (such as f/2.8, if possible) to through the background out of focus.

Whatever you do, don't use direct flash as that almost guarantees a harsh looking photo.

Hope this helps.