Why is the quality in this picture so bad?

This picture was taken with the kit lens on my Nikon D50, the standard 18-55mm. It was taken at 55mm, f/5.6, shutter 1/160, ISO 400. I'm a beginner photographer, still learning every day. I'm wondering, why is the general quality of this picture so bad?

There are some issues with the image, but none have to do with the camera
Since the images is not quite in sharp focus, it could be that you focused on something other than the nice young lady. Shooting hand held at 1/60th second can add slight blur caused by camera movement.
There's also the natural flatness found when shooting mostly in the shade or when the sun is setting and no direct light from it is falling on the subjects
Add to that, that the background is also in dark tones and thus there's no separation between the horse and trees
It can take up to 5 years to get to the point where each time you press the shutter release, you create good quality images. Do not get frustrated, but spend all the time you need learning how to use your camera
Here is a link on how to compose your shots
And this link to learn how to balance ISO, shutter speed and lens aperture

Not quit in focus.
Mostly underexposed.
When you go up with the iso, try to maintain your exposure histogram on the mid-tone & highlight, that way the noise will be less present, and shoot in raw, it give you more latitude in the post process.

Are you shooting in manual?