Nikon SLR Cameras

Why changing ASA settings for my D80 does not improve shutter speed?


I own a Nikon D80 for a year now. In low light conditions i try to increase the ASA setting from 100 to say 1600 but i do not see any difference in shutter speed when shooting in P mode.

Example: Let says that at ASA 100, P mode: shutter speed is 1/15, f 3.5

even in ASA 1600, shutter speed can't be increased / improved at all. 1/15, f 3.5 stays as only best option…

What am i missing? I thought increasing ASA would let me significanty improve speed…

Does any one have good suggestions? I'm thinking my camera is faulty… What's a good check if ASA ring works right or not?


It sounds like you need to talk with Nikon Tech Support. They have a toll free number, I have memorized 1-800-NIKONUS… Obviously for use in the USA.

They can help you figure out if it is the camera or the way you are using the settings. Years ago I called to figure out how to do multiple exposures for a studio shoot and they determined my N90 was not capable of doing that, but that I could use my older 8008 for the shoot.

I suggest you give them a call since it is a free call and they never charged for the advice.

Picture Taker
Picture Taker

I would think that the aperture would change if the shutter speed didn't.

If you are in near darkness, the P mode simply gives up, saying, "Sorry. Can't help you if it's this dark." It is limited by the meter sensitivity and Nikon's decisions. The camera just gives you "as good as it gets" for the dark settings. Your lens can't open wider than f/3.5 (assuming you are using the kit lens) and the camera won't let you shoot slower than 1/15, because that's probably the human lower limit for holding still.

Try the whole operation again, but not in an excessively dark location. See if you are in a semi-dark room if the camera will give you the expected shutter speed/aperture changes. If it doesn't you might need a camera repair.

The answer to your trouble is probably to venture out there into M mode. You seem to understand shutter speed/aperture combination, so this will not be hard. Per your example, start with ASA 100, 1/15 and f/3.5, and see what you get by looking in the LCD. Probably total darkness. Go ahead up to ASA 1600 and try again. You might see some evidence of an image. NOW set the shutter speed at 1/8 and try again. Go on down to 1/4, 1/2, etc and keep going until you get a reasonable exposure, just to see that your camera CAN do this. And so can you.

S mode is sort of semi-manual and allows you to select the full range of shutter speeds. Try that and see if you can access shutter speeds longer than 1/15.

P mode says that it will work in "most situations." I think you hav just run up again one situation where it will not work.

Bob K
Bob K

Sounds like you have to go to "M" or manual mode and work from there.
Plus control the lighting and metering for now until you have memory of a number of low lighting conditions.
Then go out and takes pics "for real."