Nikon SLR Cameras

Which lense would be better to get?


Right now i have only a 10mm Fisheye and a 50MM

which of these woul dbe better to get

they are bothe the same price just different focal lengths

Added (1). Using a d7000 if that helps


What do you need the new lens for? Here's how to look at lenses properly.

If you are shooting mostly what you see with your own eyes, needing to take detailed shots of objects within your reach, portraits, people in general, pets and even head shots, the 24-85mm would bring you more optical quality.

If you intend to shoot a wide variety of things from landscapes to distant objects and everything in between, the 18-140mm would be more useful.

John P
John P

Sorry, couldn't open the links. But think first about the focal length, then about the price.

For a 'standard zoom' get a lens starting about 18mm and finishing at 55mm, or 100mm, or similar.

For photographing distant objects get a lens starting about 55m or 70mm and with 200mm or 300mm as the top end.


1) has more range so convenient on the other hand more distortions.
2) Less distortion but limited focal length.


The 18-140 is a new lens and is not even available yet for shipping. You may have to wait a month or two before you see stock.

The 24-85 is a FX lens, designed for full frame cameras, while the 18-140 is designed for DX cameras. The 18-140 was designed to be an improved lens over both the 18-105mm and 18-200mm, and I would not be surprised to see it as a new kit lens for a D400 or some other new DSLR to be soon announced.

Which one is best for you is of course up to you. If you see yourself going to a FX (full frame) camera in the near future, then you will want to buy FX lenses whenever you can. However, this should not be at the expense of not having an adequate lens for the camera you currently have.

If landscapes and wildlife are important, then I would favor the 18-140mm - although it is only going to give you moderate coverage at either end. If portraiture or street photography are more important, then the 24-85mm would probably be what you want.


Get this one instead:


What do you want to photograph?


As others have said, it depends what you are going to use the lens for!

Personally I'd prefer this one: