Nikon SLR Cameras

Which kit lens should I start out with?


I don't have enough money to get more than one lens right now.
Do you think I should start out with the 18-55mm or the 55-200mm?
This will be for my Nikon D5000, by the way.
I will end up buying the Nikon 35mm or 50mm f/1.8G lens in the near future.


The 18-55. The 55-200 is not nearly wide enough to be used for a lot of shots.


18 - 55mm will be better for nearfield photography.
55 - 200mm will be better for zoom-telephotography
Decide which you will be doing first.
The 18 - 55 is the most versatile lens so go for that if you are unsure.
I have an 18 - 55mm, a 100 - 300mm, and a 50mm F1.8
All budget lenses. Great all round set up to use while practicing and learning.
You can get all three of these for around £250 second hand.
People will tell you not to use cheap lenses but in the early days they are fine to use while deciding and saving for your first pro lens.