Nikon SLR Cameras

Which Camera lens should i use for a concert?


Hi.i'm going to a concert tomorrow night and i have the nikon d3000 and i have the lens that comes with it and i have another lens that is only manual focus but its a 70-300mm. The concert is at msg and i'm on the 300 level… Should i go with the bigger zoom?


Unless you have a media pass, more than likely you won't be allowed to bring your camera in. You should call the venue and verify it.

If you do get it in, I would recommend a faster lens (f/2.8 or better). The level doesn't really matter, you need to look at the distance. I have been in a "300 section" (~150') even with the stage, and another "300 section" that was all the way at the end of the venue (~400'+).

Jim A
Jim A

There are copyright laws you know… Or hadn't you thought of that. Most venues, if not all, won't allow a dslr in because it's considered a professional camera.