Nikon SLR Cameras

What's your honest opinion of these dslrs?


Canon rebel xt?
Nikon D40 or D40x?
Nikon D90?
Honest opinions? Looking to buy ny first dslr.
What entry level do you recommend?


The D90 is the most expensive of the ones you've listed. The D40x is a good camera, but wasn't popular when first released. You could get a used (in good condition) Rebel XS w/ an 18-55 kit lens or a Nikon D3000 w/ an 18-55 kit lens for about 300 bucks. It would help if you could tell us your budget.


I have the Nikon COOLPIX L120.It was $280. I love it! It takes really good quality pictures/videos, and can zoom in really far without fuzzing up at all. Look up some reviews on YouTube.


I agree with Taylor, and furthermore, you need to realize that once you start with one brand, say, Nikon, you are "married" to it. To switch to Canon in a few years is extremely costly (because the lenses won't work with the others).

But all these (older) cameras are fine. If you can get one inexpensively, make sure it's in a decent shape.