Nikon SLR Cameras

What's a better choice in dslr cameras?


Nikon D3000 DSLR
Canon 400D XTI
sony dslr a390
sony dslr a100
sony dslr a200

Have never even held a dslr before and i want to try one, so i found these on craigslist. What do you think? They all come with 18-55mm Lens and are 400 to 450 excellent for me!


You really need to visit a camera store and 1) determine which feels best in your hands and 2) which brand has the most available lenses and accessories locally.

Here is a link where you can look at the performance of each cameras sensors.

I have listed the D3000, 400D and A390 for you to compare

As you can see, the Sony A390 sensor can perform better if you are up to the task