Nikon SLR Cameras

What can i do with my photography?


I'm 14 years old, i have nikon d3200 and i'm beginner photographer i have lots of my photos, what can i do with my photos? Can i sell my photos or how?


"what can i do with my photos?"

Display them online, look at them, print them, enter them into competitions…

"can i sell my photos (question mark implied)"

If you're a beginner, then extremely unlikely. And if you're 14, even more extremely unlikely.

Spend five to ten years working on your photography and ask the same question.

Awffy Huffy
Awffy Huffy

It's a nice thought… Not a very realistic one though, think about it… I'm a photography enthusiast and have been for 40 years… I've got lots of photos too… And not many people want to buy them… So you aren't alone.

If you want to go in the direction of earning from photography there isn't much wrong with that… Keep it real though… Test the water by entering competitions if your shots are good you'll start winning or get second or third spot… If you get good feedback then people might want to buy your work.

I'd join the local camera club/photography group and get involved more… You could even ask around to see if there are any courses for people in your age group - if there isn't suggest it to someone that might be interested in organising them… Be creative, not argumentative… Leave the arguing to me i'm much better at it.

Kelly Aisosa
Kelly Aisosa

I advice you to upload them on google or you can search on google for any type of competition, where you can you send them to.


I doubt you will sell any just yet. Put your photos on several public sites such as Flikr and 500PX. You might get followers and "likes" so can judge how good you are.
Also, join a local camera or photographic club. You will learn a lot and be able to enter their competitions.


Most stock agencies/microstock agencies won't deal with people under 18 -- for the simple reason that you can't sign a contract to license your copyright.
So for now, work on honing your craft, get lots of experience, and get ready to try and make it commercially when you turn 18.