What are steps for multiple exposure on a nikon D90?

I recently came across an article and a picture of someone doing this on the D90. I would like to know how to do it… Like in steps. Which settings are best for this?


1. Go to the shooting menu
2. Select Multiple Exposure
3. Select Number of Shots
4. Press the multiselector up or down to highlight the desired number of shots
5. Select Auto Gain
6. Choose "on" or "off" for auto-gain
- On = gain is adjusted based on the number of exposures selected. On is the default setting.
- Off = gain is not adjusted. This is recommended if the background is dark.
7. Highlight "Done" and press "OK"
You can cancel multiple exposure by selecting "Reset" from the multiple exposure menu.
In continuous release modes, you can just hold the shutter release button down and the appropriate number of exposures will be made. In single release mode, one photograph will be taken each time you press the shutter release button. Continue taking pictures until you have reached the number of frames you have selected. You can interrupt the multiple exposure setting by going back to the Multiple Exposure menu and selecting cancel. If you are using auto-gain, the gain will be adjusted according to the number of frames you have actually shot.

Picture Guy is right.
But if you have an computer and can access the web you have resources. Bookmark this link http://support.nikonusa.com/...hotography and have a digital copy of the owners manual.