Nikon SLR Cameras

What are some good things to photograph as a beginner in photography?

Vans Man
Vans Man

My moms a professional photographer and lets me use her Nikon D5000 as a practice camera. P. S don't say people or Pets and if some object outside it's the middle of winter so all snowy


Well I would suggest just going out on a walk, and bring your camera and look for things to take pictures of. Thats usually just what I do.


Anything and everything,. Ask your mom to borrow some of her jewelry, crayons, doorknob, water, glass of ice water, coins, cards, games or game pieces.shoot it all in different light. It's a great way to learn about are good too, i recently saw a small doll pulling the shower curtain back like it was taking a shower. It made me laugh out loud plus it was creative and a good shot. And Do take shots of your parents when they are not looking.those turn out to be the best shots!

Alan Vampa
Alan Vampa

Practice freezing motion and shooting landscapes. Get the hang of shooting at night too and use a tripod. If your mom is a professional photographer, hmm maybe you should ask her.

Soumitra Banerjee
Soumitra Banerjee

Try shooting objects with a different perspective… Everyday objects that we see around us, but shoot them in angles that we normally don't see them in. This will make your pictures interesting.
I'm sure you will find lots of things lying around in your house to try with! This will help you develop a keen eye…


What are you interested in? This could be a good place to begin in you need some inspiration, plus you will relate and connect to your subject. However, look for opportunities outside of this as well.

For example, about 7 years ago I took a weekend photography workshop relating to mountain wildflowers. Up until that time I had very little interest in flower photography but I love taking photos and I love the mountains so off I went. In fact, I went back five years in a row.

That lead to my falling in love with macro photography; so you becoming more skilled in whatever you choose to take pictures of can lead you to subjects you may not even suspect at the moment.

Go for it!