Nikon SLR Cameras

Viewfinder problem with Nikon D5100?


I have a question about my Nikon D5100. The camera works fine but it has one issue ( it might be me though). The view finder on my D5100 is a little out of focus. I've tried to adjust the focus on it but it doesn't seem to help. Now the funny thing is that for six years I have shot with my trusty old Nikon D50. The view finder on that camera is bright and very sharp. I can manually focus on subjects and tell if they are in focus or not just by looking though the view finder on my D50 I don't even have to look at the confirmation dot. On my D5100 however I have to basically rely on the focus confirmation dot. It there a problem with my D5100's view finder? Has anyone else had a similar issue with there D5100?

Added (1). Thanks for your response. Yes I still use my D50. The view finder on that camera is still as sharp as the day I first took it out of the box. The D5100 might not be as adjustable as the D50 so I guess I'll have to try and some type of corrective lens for it. I mean its not bad its just with the D50 I can read te fine print on a box of serial with my 50mm 1.8g lens. Mind you I'm not even that close to the box maybe 3 foot from it. But with my 5100 I can just about make out the letters. Its a paint for me since I mostly do Macro photography. So having a sharp view finder is a must. I'm going to my local camera shop tomorrow to check out one of there D5100's on display to see if there's any difference.

Added (2). Also I don't think my vision is the same as it was six years ago. But in all this time I haven't had to adjust the viewfinder. I'm near sighted though.

Steve P
Steve P

I can't speak specifically on your cameras, as I have neither of them. Just speaking in general, perhaps the diopter adjustment is not as broad on the 5100 as on the D50. Other questions are,
*Is your vision the same now as when using the D50?
*Can you currently still get sharp focus through the viewfinder of the D50? If so, then either the adjustment on the 5100 does not cover as much range, or it is indeed not working correctly for some reason. If you can't now get sharp image with the D50 finder, then it would appear your vision has changed to the point where the diopter can't compensate enough.

You should be able to buy replacement diopters of greater power for the viewfinder on the 5100 that might solve your problem.

The owners manual should tell you the power that is currently installed in the 5100, as well as optional diopters available.

On a final note, to be sure you are trying to adjust the 5100 correctly, set the lens to infinity focal length in manual focus. Then try adjusting the diopter until the image is clear in the viewfinder, (all this while looking at a distant object of course). You can also use auto focus and let the lens automatically focus on an object FIRST, then try adjusting the viewfinder for a sharp image.

My vision is so bad that I can never see a sharp image in the viewfinder. My prescription is -8.50, and no camera diopter can adjust for that amount. It is just something I have to live with and be thankful for auto focus!

Picture Taker
Picture Taker

Another way to adjust the diopter is to look at a white wall or something and adjust the diopter until the outline of focus spot looks sharp.

Vote Steve for best answer, because it is a very complete answer.