Tips for photographing indoor events for beginners?

What are the best settings for fluorescent or incandescent low lighting?
ps. I'm using only a nikon d40
Added (1). I just have the kit lens which i believe is 18-55mm?
wow my d40 aperture can't go that low.

You are going to need a lens with a wide aperture that will let a lot of light in like f/1.4, f/1.8, or maybe even f/2. Try not to have your shutter speed too slow so you don't make people look blurry and don't crank up your iso too high.iso 400 should probably be your limit. Also if the venue allows it then get a external flash.
Its hard to say specifics though since you did not say what lenses you have or are willing to buy for this.
Edit: I have done some research and the Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 is pretty cheap. You might want to look into buying it. Your kit lens would not work for this. If you are trying to get jobs doing event photography then you should invest in better lenses and a external flash first.

Try staying under a bit of light, if your under to much or not enough then your picture will come out bad, plus it depends how old the camera is the best time of day to start taking photos in my opinion its in the morning early around lets say 9, mhm in fluorrescent lighting, but if you want to take fluorescent photos try going in a room with no light at all and make sure the flash is off xD