Nikon SLR Cameras

Silhouette effect on digital camera? What kind?


What kind of digital cameras have the Silhouette effect on it? I have the nikon d5100 but i'm wanting to sell it for money that i really need. The thing is i still want a camera with the Silhouette effect on it and i don't know what other camera has the same effect?

Jim A
Jim A

You don't know how to shoot silhouette? The camera can't do this for you it's a matter of you knowing what you're doing with light.

Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith

You can't just depend on effects for everything. There are some things you just have to do yourself…

Reality UnLshd
Reality UnLshd

You can cheat and do a silhouette on any camera. Strong back light no flash… Adjust til you have the one you love. I wanted a pregnant belly shot when I was 9 months… I took my pic in front of my sliding door that has sheer curtains with an Olympus point and shoot 8 mp camera… Stretched out the curtains to create a smooth background no flash and I did it in a fairly dark room. My living room @ noon-ish

But if you need a mode… Look for sunset scene mode. It would work too.