Nikon SLR Cameras

On s mode in nikon d90 and its completely black?


I'm going to be going outside in the dark and take pictures with very little light. What should I set the ISO, Shutter Speed, Aperture too? If you could give detailed instructions that would be most helpful! Or perhaps there's a better setting? Everything seems to turn out blurry so I'm assuming I need a higher shutter speed? I'm just not sure exactly what to do.

Please- No ranting about how I should look in my manual- I just want an answer. This has happened to me multiple times. Just answer the question if it is so simple. I'm not her to be scolded at- I obviously want to learn how to fix it.


You have an awesome DSLR, and this has happened to you before? First off; I'll just say that it would be good for you to learn about DSLR's and all the photography terms. That's all I'm gonna say about that.

Well it all depends on the lighting there and exactly what your trying to capture; If things are coming out blurry; it can either be motion blur, or unfocused shots; so first make sure your on Auto Focus on the lens… I'd start at ISO 1600, the widest aperture (LOWEST F/ NUMBER) But you can't adjust the aperture and shutter speed in Shutter Priority; only in Manual… And I'd start with shutter speeds of 1/8th of a second… USE A TRIPOD; that could cure the blurry shots your getting.

After you dial in those settings; select Spot metering (I've used the D90 before but I forgot how you do that… ) and point your camera at whatever your trying to capture; dead in the center (with the center focus point on the subject) and then look at the light meter; (the thing in the middle of the screen or bottom of the viewfinder with a + on one end and a - on the other end) and adjust your shutter speed/aperture/ISO to make the pointer between the + and the -; right in the middle… Focus the shot and then lock the exposure by pressing the small circle button left of the thumb dial and holding it… And move the camera to however you want the subject to fit in the frame (You can let go of the shutter button; but not the exposure lock button); and then take the shot while still holding the exposure lock button… Then you can let go.

Here's a good video about the exposure lock button:

To adjust shutter speeds in manual mode: thumb dial,
To adjust aperture in manual mode: index finger dial under the shutter button.


It's all about balance. In S mode it is implied that you don't set the aperture. But you will need to set an ISO to let the rest work in a parameter. But know no matter what the aperture and shutter speed are you can't just blast 1/4000 because you want to. Aperture, ISO, shutter speed and lighting are what make a picture.

I think this video will start you off.


There really are to many variables but the easiest thing to do here is keep bumping up the ISO until you get a good exposure that doesn't result in blur. Just know that once you go past 1600 you're going to start seeing some noise.
A second option (a better one) is to get the camera on a tripod and select a the slowest shutter speed you can that doesn't result in blurring of your subject at an ISO between 400 - 800.
Your camera is going to select an aperture for you so no worries.
I won't rant (as bad as I want to) so please take this suggestion as friendly. Pick up the book "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. It will open your eyes quickly to why you're having the problem you're having and you'll learn quickly and simply how to take control. It's fairly simple to understand. The D90 is an awesome tool once you take control.