Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D90 Help. How do I view my pictures?


I want to view the pictures i have taken. I go to live mode then press the Play back Button (>). But when I press this it doesn't display my photos! It only brings up the LCD screen brightness meter. How do I fix this?


You can't view your photos in Live Mode. Depress the Live button until the image does not display, then depress the > button.

Live mode is mostly just for shooting video.


There's nothing to "fix" here.

Read the manual, it is there for a reason.
If you lost it, download an electronic version of it, all major manufacturers let you do that.

Everybody needs to read their manual several times.
Read it once, then take some photos. Read it again, and practice what you learned.
Read it again, you'll understand much more this time, then go experiment.

Go to your local library and get books on photography, you'll be thankful you did.

Don't just hope there's one setting that magically takes great photos… YOU need to do the work, and YOU need to start by learning about it first.

deep blue2
deep blue2

You don't use live mode to view pictures - just press the playback button. Read the manual the came with your camera - it explains all this.