Next Model up from the Nikon D90?

What is the next model up from the Nikon D90?
Also, I know there are many cameras out there with "superb" image quality and "full HD" which is a bonus, so can someone point me in the right direction please?
I want something "really" worth my time that will bring me great happiness in shooting, "not" the run of the mill crap!
Price range around £800.00.

The D90 is very well built camera, but its really dated technology wise. Its replacement was the D7000 and then thats been upgraded to D7100. I think you should be able to get a D7000 in your price range, and its an all around excellent camera.
If your not married to nikon, i would recommend a Pentax K30 which will give you the same image quality and feature set at a lower price. (the nikon D7000 is a tad better, but not $300 better)

The D7000 is the next model up from the D90.
Realize though that there are a lot more things that makes a great camera other than image quality. For instance, the D90/D7000/D7100 cameras are advanced amateur cameras, and have some high-end features not found on entry level cameras.
Sometimes these features can make the difference between getting the shot and not.

I'd look at a Nikon D3200. You'll have enough money to buy a 55-200mm VR lens.

D90 itself is a great camera, you should be looking for a better lens if you want to upgrade, camera body is just fine. If however, you really want to upgrade then D7100 is the way to go, or you may wait for Canon 70d which will be announced in July 2013.