Need a help for ebay payment?

Respected there,
Today, i purchased a nikon d3100 from making the payment i got the error called " request timed out ", even i didn't get any purchase order too. ( i made the payment through the hdfc credit card for 6 month EMI ) I don't know whether the order is placed or not. But the credit card got charged for Rs.32082.50, ( i spoke to hdfc credit card care, and they told me the payment is sent to Ebay ) could you please let me know is the order is placed or not.right now i'm helpless, if the order is not place please tell me what can i do?
PS: Once i made a payment i got message from hdfc that tells the payment send to ebay reff id is " EBAY342306M "
Looking forward from the kind reply from you ( please respond me As soon as possible )
Thanks in advance,
With Regards,
G.Arun Vignesh.

You need to send a message to the seller asking them if they have received your order. And ask them to respond As soon as possible!

Don't worry your order had been placed and you will receive your cam
if you don't find till 15 days as that is a tag you just visit
eBay India
Friday, 25 February, 2011 14:46:06 IST
Mumbai, India
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