Memory Card Stuck in Camera

The plastic "lock" switch on my memory card fell off, I panicked and put it back into my camera (Nikon D3000) to see if it would work… It lets me view the pictures on the display screen but will not let me take the card out. It still does the usual "push it in to eject" and comes out about 1cm but then gets stuck and won't move.
I've tried to connect the camera to the computer with the cable but it reads that the camera is locked.
I don't want to force it out as i'm scared to damage the camera. Help? :|
I'm trying to not take it to a repair shop as i got quoted £96

The card is catching on something in the memory slot now that the "lock" tab is missing. The chance of you damaging the card slot is pretty good if you try to fix it yourself by just yanking it out.
Either a Nikon authorized repair shop or Nikon itself would be the best place to fix the camera. Had you not "panicked and put it back", then you would not be in the shape you are. Unfortunately, that comes at a price. Hopefully you learned a lesson.

I would try pushing the card back in a bit (but not enough to lock it into the camera) then gently wiggling the card up and down. Again… Gently. It sounds like the card has gotten stuck where the lock switch used to be. Unfortunately, card slots are exceptionally tough to get into from the outside if a card's already in there. Even then, it might seriously damage in insides if one tried to get in with tools.