Lens support for Kenco extension tubes?
I'm thinking of buying the 12-20-36 Kenco Macro extension tubes to use with my Nikon D40 + 18-200mm lens. I'm a little afraid that the weight of the lens on the tubes will do damage to the mount on my camera. Are there any brackets or anything that will support the weight against the mount? Preferably something which I don't have toi use on a tripod!
Use your other hand to support the weight.It'll be fine.
Firstly, you WOULDN'T use the 18-200mm lens with the MACRO extension tubes…
they are for Macro lenses… Because of the close focusing…
secondly, to use extension tubes, you would need a tripod…
my Sony A200 can take the extension tubes and a 90mm macro lens without issues…
Weight shouldn't be a problem, Kenko makes some of the best extension rings out there. Make sure you get a newish one which is AF compatible as you need the CPU in the lens for the D40 to meter.
My only worry is that your 18-200mm is a little slow, and becomes hard to focus at longer focal lengths.