Nikon SLR Cameras

Is there battery grip for Nikon D5000, that doesn't have any cables?

Andriy U
Andriy U

I don't like those ones that have cables, so you can make shots vertically. What is the best one?


Since the D5000 does not have any prevision for an internal connection for a battery grip, the power has to be fed to the camera using a power cable.

This is why camera companies sell entry level cameras, so the the new users can learn all about using a camera and discover what they want on their "next" camera

Not too long ago the "entry level" camera cost $2, 000 with NO lens


Nikon does not make a grip for the camera, and did not design it to use one. Cameras made to take a grip have connections for power and control either on the bottom of the camera, or in the battery well. Your D5000 has neither, so the off-brand battery grip has to feed power through the external connection.

There are no grips without the cables. The lowest level camera made for a grip in the current Nikon lineup is the D90.