I'm going to a soccer game today and?

I'm going to be taking pix for a friend i have a nikon d60 and i was wondering is there a specific setting i should use so the pix look good, i've never used it so i'm still learing how to use this thing i want the pix to look good thank you<3

-There are a lot of things that would vary based on your settings for one, the weather. Is it going to be mid day sunny? Overcast?
I don't consider myself do be the most knowledgeable or best photographers out there so people may have different opinions. Here are the settings i'd shoot with, you also have to consider what kind of lens you have.
If it was broad day light i'd shoot at F 10 at 800 or so Shutter Speed at ISO of 100. You should be able to get some freezing action at 800/s and brining your aperture up to F10 or higher will help with the Sun. You might be able to go down to F8. ISO should not exceed about 200 if you are out in the sun. If all else fails just mess with your settings (best way to learn), and remember read your Histogram rather than look at your image. It's hard to see exposure out there in the sun, if you are not familiar with your histogram go into a shaded area for example a car or under the bleachers.

Other than using a long zoom lens like the 55-200 mm, 55-300 mm or 70-300 mm lens, just use the fastest shutter speed you can (1/500th second or faster) making exposure adjustments using the aperture.
If the shutter speed is below 1/500th second, increase the cameras ISO until you can reach that shutter speed
Some people like to use the camera in the aperture mode with the aperture wide open and let the shutter speed be picked by the camera (keeping it above 1/500th second)