Nikon SLR Cameras

I dropped my camera into the water! - 1


So, the other day, i dropped my nikon D90 into the water. I took it home and put in a box full of desicants. This morning, I put the battery in and found out that the LCD works. But my dad told me not to snap a photo because it could still short-circuit the camera even though the LCD works. Is that true!

Added (1). STOP TELLING ME ABOUT THE NECKSTRAP. I did use it. I FELL into the water. You can go back and read my previous question. Obviously you did not read my previous question. I was in a hurry when I was typing this question. That is why I did not type about falling into the water.


It is possible but highly unlikely.

Me myself and I
Me myself and I

Call Nikon Tech support. The number is either 800-USNIKON or 800-NIKONUS, I don't remember.


So, what about the neckstrap that you obviously weren't wearing?> You're camera is probably done for, sorry.


You Broke the Biggest Cardinal Rule about DSLR by NOT Using the Supplied Camera Strap which Using the Supplied Camera Strap would actually had Prevented the Camera from Being Dropped in the first place. So otherwise You Just Completely Hosed a Really Nice DSLR.

A Chance to Short Circuit the DSLR - Yes a very real chance. You're far better off sending the Nikon D90 for Major Repairs and Won't be Cheap.

So many of Us Regulars keeps on Preaching this but No One Really Seems to Listen, but Please Use the Supplied Camera Strap. Now You Know Exactly Why The Supplied Camera Strap Actually Needs To Be Used.