Nikon SLR Cameras

How to upgrade a DSLR camera using warranty? - 1


I need to have an upgrade version of DSLR camera and I will put the rest of the money upfront is it possible (question mark)
How does the warranty for nikon works if I want to upgrade to better newer version. I bought an used DSLR camera with 3 year warranty. The camera itself is D60 and everybody now uses 3000 or 3100 DSLRs or even better D90. I love my dslr but the thing is it does not take good photos and its outdated. I need something new and fresh. I'm willing to pay extra 300 or 400 dollars for the newer version of updated DSLR! I do not know how the warranty works, but I bought my camera at local dSLr shop that still sells cameras and I need to have the upgraded version S. O.S.
Do you think the store or the manufacturer would accept for me to upgrade my camera to better version if I put in extra little money for newer better camera than Nikon D60 which works fine but does not take good photos.
The camera was bought about 1 year ago, so the warranty is still good! Does it the warranty works like this or not


A warranty only covers for repair and replacement of faulty parts. It does help in getting a 'discount' when you upgrade. However if you are selling the camera, an existing warranty gives the buyer additional confidence since if anything goes wrong with the camera, he/she can get it repaired at no cost (depends on the warranty statement of course).

The store may do a trade-in for your camera but don't expect this to be very much.

The Nikon D60 is still a good camera and you should review what it is that you need to 'upgrade'. If it is image quality, then getting a good lens will solve the problem. If you have friends who have Nikons, borrow a lens or two (make sure they are good) and try it out on your D60. You may find that you need not upgrade the body after all.