How to take a picture of the moon with my Nikon D3000?

The lunar eclipse starts early in the morning, and I want to stay up to take pictures of it with my Nikon D3000, but I have no clue what to set it on in order to take a good picture of it. What should I set it on? I only have normal lens (The ones that came with the camera) also…

Use a tripod if you have one. If you don't, then brace yourself against something solid, hold your breath at the moment you depress the shutter and take a lot of photos. (If you're using a tripod, use your cable release - if you have one - to release the shutter.) Your camera needs to be on Manual. You're going to have to set the aperture and shutter speed, take a photo and see those settings work because the correct settings depend on what phase of the eclipse you're photographing.
The rule is strong light, large aperture # and fast shutter speed. Low light, small aperture # and slower shutter speed. But aperture size also determines the depth of field. Small aperture numbers (more light coming in) mean shallow depth of field and large aperture numbers (less light getting in) translate into more depth of field. Depth of field is the depth of the object you're taking a picture that stays in focus. So if you're taking a picture of a 2 by 4 from the end, with a small aperture, only the end would be in focus. If you use a larger aperture, you'd have the end and some of the board behind it in focus. Getting good photos is getting the experience to know how to balance aperture and shutter speed.
If you google Photographing The Lunar Eclipse, you'll find a lot of information.