Nikon SLR Cameras

How to set the settings on my NIKON D3000 for a OPTEKA FISHEYE LENS?


The opteka fisheye lens is a 6.5mm F3.5 FISH-EYE CS
I have a Nikon D3000
I know i have to change the shutter speed, ISO settings and apeture but i'm not sure what to set it to.


I take it this is a T-mount lens without electronic communication? So you have to set the exposure manually?

What you want to do is look at your camera on the back screen you will see a scale under two numbers. The one on the left is the shutter speed, the one on the right is the aperture. You will then set the ISO, aperture and shutterspeed so that the notch on the scale is in the middle. If you want it to be brighter move the aperture, ISO or Shutterspeed so that the notch is a little to the right, the + side. If you want it to be darker, same thing towards the left or - side.

This chart will help you get in the ballpark settings.