Nikon SLR Cameras

How is the availability of DSLR parts in the Philippines?


How is the availability of DSLR parts in the Philippines?

I'm into Nikon D5000 because I think it is very popular and thus it would be easy for me to find parts or should there be any problem to occur it would be easy to solve. I have read reviews, and what decided me for the D5000 is that it is better in low light compared to the Canon T2i and T1i. And D90 is already expensive for me.

Second to me is the Canon is the Canon T1i and T2i…

However, I'm also thinking on the Sony, Olympus, and Pentax. What worries me about these other brands are that they have fewer users and I might have difficulty in finding parts and repairs if needed. I believe the Olympus E620 is a very good camera, and so is the Pentax Kx and the Sony A380, I'm also considering that Sony (the company has a service center here in Iloilo. I'm not sure however if they are repairing DSLR). I'm thinking on how should I build up my gears should I decide on any of the three other brands.

Camerahaus has a branch here in Iloilo.

I'm hoping some opinions on this and maybe some opinions about the performances of the cameras.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

I think you're overestimating what you can do yurself to a modern camera with a problem. And you don't seem to consider the fact that if a camera survives the first six weeks or so it will run for a long, long time


As far as i have noticed, the availability of other brand, other than canikon, in philippine market is still very short, or if not, price is high. And other than that, servicing is not readily available.

also, if you have any plans of buying other lenses, you might want to consider the advantage of having in-body auto focus which d90, pentax and sony cameras often have. If dslr body don't have auto focus, you'll either need to buy the more expensive lenses with AF or upgrade later to a new body.

i'm a pentax user here in singapore and when i was back there in the philippines, the only store i noticed to carry pentax name was camerahaus.

here's a link of a pinoy community that might help you further