Nikon SLR Cameras

How to make bright detailed photos?


I just got a nikon d3100 with an 18-55mm lens. I want to make bright, detailed photos like the ones i've seen on the internet taken with the it the lens that makes photos bright and detailed or what? If so what kind of lens would help?


Often times people adjust the color settings of photos using photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop.


It's the light source.

If your 18-55mm lens is a Nikkor, you have one of the best lenses you can buy and the brightness and/contrast is optimized with this series of lenses. So consider your light source: daylight, indoor, florescent, electronic flash, etc. And set your camera accordingly and your pictures should meet, even exceed, your expectations.

Things you might do that could adversely affect the "brightness" of the finished product could be lens filters such as Neutral Density filters (and).

The rest is up to you in the final editing phase using your choice of image editor software.


Read the manual.


Detailed photos require you to shoot at the cameras highest resolution. Shooting in RAW and then processing those files in Lightroom, is probably the most efficient way to do that.

What you mean by bright is a little less clear. If your shots are underexposed, you need to make those adjustments when taking your photos. If your images are flat, then you need to learn how to "see" how the existing light is falling on your subjects. After all, photography is all about recording the light that reflects off the subject and the more interesting the light, the more compelling the shot.

Your camera and lens combination are perfectly suited for shooting the kinds of photos you wish to capture. Taking a class in photography will teach you the fundamentals of photography, the best way to start producing amazing images.

For now do this:

Spend some time reading this link

Also spend some time on One Model Place (there are more than just photos of model on this website) and find images that capture your attention and then try to emulate the lighting used by the photographer by being observant.

Ask yourself; * How many lights were used to make this image? * Where were the lights positioned? What was the approximate lighting ratio used? How did the photographer use mixed lighting (sun and flash) to their advantage.

By examining those shots, taking notes and then attempting to emulate the lighting, you will find that your D3100 is a perfectly capable camera and only spending time honing your skills using it will produce the kind of images you see on the internet.


Please provide examples…

the "BRIGHT, DETAILED" photos are either because of the light source, the expertise of the photographer, long exposures, photoshop or something else…