How to take quality indoor photos with the NIkon D3100 without using the flash?

How can you take quality indoor photos with the NIkon D3100 without using the flash?

Try turning the ISO up or put it on the "No flash" setting I own a D3100 and LOVE IT

You need a fast lens… One with a max.aperture of at least f/2.8.

Buy the Nikon AF-S 50mm f1.4 prime lens if your budget allows. If it doesn't then buy the Nikon AF-S 50mm f1.8 prime lens. In low-light situations a fast prime lens will allow you to use a lower ISO and still get a shutter speed fast enough to safely hand-hold the camera. A lower ISO will give you better results - less digital noise. I use and recommend this site to show the difference between an f1.4 prime lens and the 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 zoom that came with your camera.
If you look at the Scene 'Domestic interiors at night, subject lit by campfire or bonfire' and use ISO 400 here is what you'll see:
f1.4 @ 1/60 sec.
f2 @ 1/30 sec.
f2.8 @ 1/15 sec.
f3.5 @ ~ 1/11 sec. Your 18-55mm lens at 18mm wide-open.
f4 @ 1/8 sec.
f5.6 @ 1/4 sec. Your 18-55mm lens at 55mm wide-open.
ISO 800
f1.4 @ 1/125 sec.
f2 @ 1/60 sec.
f2.8 @ 1/30 sec.
f3.5 @ ~1/22 sec.
f4 @ 1/15 sec.
f5.6 @ 1/8 sec.
To get a shutter speed at f3.5 that is equal to or faster than the one shown for f1.4 at ISO 400 will require using ISO 3200 - f3.5 @ ~1/88 sec. At f5.6 to achieve a 1/60 sec.shutter speed you'll be using ISO 6400.
If all you can afford is the 50mm f1.8 prime then your results will of course be different since f1.8 is 2/3 stop slower than f1.4. At ISO 400 your shutter speed at f1.8 will be ~1/20 sec.
All of the above is why I recommend at least a 50mm f1.8 prime and a 50mm f1.4 prime when your budget allows.
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