Nikon SLR Cameras

How to film more than 5 minutes on my Nikon D90?


I used to be able to film more than 5 minutes but now I can't. I tried reading the manual but I couldn't find anything. I even tried changing the resolution.


Most cameras/camcorders need SD cards these days.


Get Class 10 card.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

My D5000 has three settings. HD will only get me 5 mimutes. But low def will get me 20 minutes. You may want to try a 8GB class 10 SDHC memory card.

Jim A
Jim A

First you can't "film" with this camera because it's digital and doesn't use film. That's a completely different media. You can shoot or record video but you can't film. Terms are important.

I'd also recommend an 8gb / class 10 card.

Crim Liar
Crim Liar

Nikon's D90 was one of (possibly) the first DSLRs/ILCs to use the mag-alloy body as a heat sink for the image sensor. If you are managing to record more than a few seconds, then the memory card is probably not the problem (though there's a small possibility of the card or electronics warming or getting out of sync when used to shoot video for an extended period).It's more likely that the camera is just plainly over-heating, and you may find that in summer this will happen quicker due to the higher ambient temperature! Try it in hot and cold (even windy and still) environments to see if this has any effect of the recording duration.

*Grasping at straws but see if any of that holds true.

**What are you shooting that needs clips of more than 5 minutes at a time?