Nikon SLR Cameras

How to capture beautiful photos of smoke?


I want to use an insense stick to create images with the lines of smoke. But i want to capture this on camera. How can i do this? I have a nikon d3000.


First of all I would use a black background, not knowing what effect you need. Next I would use a flash, but illuminated from the side, top, or maybe front, again without knowing your needs. You may want to experiment with colored transparent overlays over the flash unit. There are so many ways to do this. Try Googling 'smoke, flash photography'

Or have a look at


I gave you a link in your other question:
but let me add a bit here:

The most important part I found was to keep the room very VERY still. The tiniest little bit of a breeze ruined the formation.
Set everything up on manual focus, be patient, wait for a nice curl and take oodles of shots so you can pick the best one later.


I would use a bright continuous light, and back light the smoke.


I first learned to do smoke photography using this guy's tutorial:

The basic idea is to fire a flash through the side of the smoke that is bright enough to overpower ambient light. This will give you the nice black background and good contrast in the smoke.

The smoke can easily be colored later in Photoshop, which I have done with these photos: