Did your DSLR camera come with a wire/cable to connect your camera to the computer?

My Nikon D3100 did not come with one and the store had scratched out where it said "wire" on the box, so it was not supposed to be included.
Normally, it would be a problem for me since with my old point-n-shoot, I would just stick the Memory Stick Pro Duo into the computer and the photos would import perfectly fine.
I don't know why, but when I insert my SD card (Lexar, 8GB, class 4) into the computer (and I know that I'm inserting it properly because the little green light goes on to show that it is in), but no autoplay or anything pops up on my screen asking me if I want to import the files or not… The computer doesn't really recognize that there's an SD card inserted. I have tried several times to go to Computer and click on all the removable disk letters (like G, H, I, etc), but it freezes EVERY TIME, and when I pull out the SD card from my computer, the computers automatically stops freezing and continues working perfectly again.
What's up with this?
If I had a cable/wire, then I could try importing the photos that way, but I don't have one and can't buy one since I just spent $700 in my camera and its SD card.
With my old point-n-shoot, I had to use a Memory Stick Pro Duo card (since it was a Sony Cybershot), and the computer accepted it and recognized it perfectly fine.
Any ideas to what's wrong with all this?
Added (1). And yes, I've read the instruction booklet and googled it and everything.

If you've had your computer for some time, the built in card slot may not be compatible with SDHC cards. Try a new card reader.

Did your camera come with software? If so you need to install that software before the SD card can be read.
I think its time to get out the manual and do some reading.

Branda's answer looks like a spam message to me. I went to that site and only found some BS stuff about computers; not anything to do with your camera problem.
If the store scratched out the "wire" on the box, then maybe they were taking out the cables to sell separately or a previous "viewer" stole it). Any way My Canon Digital Rebel came with a cable. In fact every digital camera that I own (4 of them) all came with their own USB cable in order that I could connect it to my computer.
Since the store scratches out the "wire" portion of the listing on the box, they can argue that it was plainly marked that it didn't have a wire/cable in the box. So perhaps you need to just purchase a cable. If it is an oddball connector, then bring your camera along to Radio Shack or some other cable selling store (like Fry's) and buy the cable. All of your headaches to transfer your pictures will automagically go away.
Make sure that they store knows that you are coming into the store with your own camera so you don't go through more headaches!
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