Nikon SLR Cameras

Camera advice please?


I bought a nikon d3100 and i was not so sure if i should have bought a d500 instead? What do you think.i'm just a beginner and i asked my professor and he recommended this. But i don't know if he's just biased or what with nikon since he belongs to a photographers club who uses nikon cams. Is nikon better than canon? What do you think. I need an opinion.

John P
John P

The point is to get out there and start taking photos! All cameras have their plus points and foibles, and some have features that you may particularly need, certainly the 5000 has more than the 3100 but do you need them. Maybe in a year or two you might want to look at the D90, the D300 or their replacements. But stop worrying, just do it, I mean just get into photography!


It doesn't matter now. You already have a dSLR. Go out and use it. They're all basically the same.


I'll plus one on both the other answers, it's basically a Ford vs. Chevy thing, just get out there and shoot a lot of pictures.

To become a better photographer:

Take lots of pictures, print your pictures and display them side by side, don't be afraid to experiment, show only your best work to others (and buy a big garbage can for the rest).

I wasted a lot of time and money chasing the "perfect" camera, lens, etc when I was younger (and still do to be honest) but its far better when starting out to work with a minimum kit and concentrate on the intangibles, you need to train your eye before you should think of buying more stuff.