Auto Focus built in. Canon/Nikon, 3rd party lenses?

I want a new entry level cheap dslr.
Canon 1100d or Nikon d3100
So, the deciding factor for me is, that Canon has AF built in and Nikon doesn't.
I can't afford either canon or nikon lenses, so I will be purchasing Sigma, Tamron etc.
So, if I wanted the Tamron SP 60mm F/2 Macro, will it work the same or similarly on the two cameras? Does the built in AF on the Canon change anything?
What if I wanted the Tamron telephoto 55-200mm?

Always choose nikon for durability canon is quite good but the autofocus in the body is not good and canon is much more expensive than the more durable nikon.

I'll just give you the downsides. Yes, to drive the price lower, Nikon entry-level models can't AF older and cheaper Nikon lenses. The cut is clear with Nikon lenses. Stay within AF-S and AF-I if you can't live without autofocus.
It's a different ballgame with Canon. Older and lower-end Canon bodies will have trouble accepting newer Canon lenses. Beware of the dreaded Err99.
The problem now with third party lenses is that there are no well-defined model designations that refer to AF-S and AF-I to equate those of Nikon and the level of compatibility with Canon bodies will always be questionable no matter what Canon claims (can't blame them about the level of support to their direct competitors, right?).

OK, here's what nobody seems to want to admit.
The Nikon entry-level bodies don't have built in autofocus motors so you have to get lenses with the AF motors built into them. You can use all older Nikon mount lenses for manual metering, but with different degrees of compatiblity, including lenses from the 1970s.
NO Canon DSLR had a built in autofocus motors built in their DSLR bodies, and All of them require current Canon mount lenses with built-in AF motors. You can only use the current generation of EF or EF-S lenses, as Canon abandoned their support for the FD mount lenses from their older film SLR's.
With my Nikon, I'm using two Sigma and a Tamron lens with 100% compatibility.