Am I a good photographer? - 1

Hi! Okay so i have been into photography and such for a while now. I recently just started posting my photos on instagram, my username is @llexi_ if you want to follow me. Anyways, i would like some feedback on my photos. I use a Nikon D5000.

Wow you are great!

WOW you're AMAZING keep it up and one day you might become a professional photographer.

The first glittery ones are nothing special or artistic or eye cather. Last ones, the nature are nice, but nothing interesting. The ones with the girl, could use more "dramatic effect" (can also be achieved well with photoshop (I can even try it myself), like depth and vividness, they're too flat looking. What I really liked: the camera one and those lights in the darkness, which I would totally hang on the wall. You can try selling them on Deviantart even.
I think you've a a good eye, but you gotta improve that eye. I'm saying you've got good eye, because you take the photos from an interesting angle, and not just the obvious angle.

Not yet. Your shots are very much beginner shots but you show promise. Learn and keep shooting.

Based on the photos you;ve posted on Flickr… No, you are not a good photographer. That doesn't mean you can;t become one but right now, you have no idea what you are doing.
Let's take this picture for example:
What is the subject?
What am I supposed to be focusing on?
What is that huge shadow on the bottom of the frame?
What is your picture trying to show me?
What compositional elemnts did you include in this picture?
There's no answer to any of these questions… This is just a poorly "planned" out shot of your crotch done with the camera right on the floor with the popup flash on causing the lens to create a harsh distracting shadow on the floor.
What about this picture?
1- Ok so this one has a bit more going for it. I'm guessing the lips are the main focus of the image but my eye get's pulled by the starnd of hair in the middle of the frame.
2- The image is underexposed and lacks contrast.
3- The image was shot wither with a too shallow depth of field and/or too slow a shutter speed making the image very soft.
And the next shot:
Again… What am i supposed to be looking at here? What are you trying to show me? What is my eye sup[posed to focus on? Right now, my eye is pulled towards your hair partition on top of your head because it. The only thing in focus.
Oh god… Not another one of these.
Completely out of focus shot of a messy room with xmas lights… Oh, there's a bit of a spin to this one, it looks like there's someone WRAPPED inside the lights. Unfortunatly, it. Really hard to tell that there's actually a person in this shot.
This shot COULD have been interesting
But there's nothing to focus on. Your point of focus ina bit of the electrical wiring… If you had focused on one of the forward lights instead then in could have been a decent shot. It is also a smidgen underexposed.
You have a fancy camera but don;t understand the art or science of photography. Go to the library or book store and pick up a few books.

The only goodish one is the one with the camera. The one with the boat at sunset could be a good shot if the exposure and lighting were sorted out and that person in the foreground wasn't there at all.
You are very much a beginner but it takes time to get the eye in and a lot of work so don't be disheartened with this and keep shooting as you learn just as much from bad picture than good ones.

No you are not. Random snapshots is NOT photography.

Take a lot more photos. Title and tag them on Flickr. Tell us something about them.

Everyone has their own sense in what is good and what is bad. Obviously you have taken these pictures for fun, so in that sense yes they are better than most people who do that. You seem to have some techniques that are popular in photography today like the out of focus lights, popularly dubbed BOKEH, and the black and white portrait of the girl. Just look at work on flickr of professionals who have strict composition and well planned themes. Hope i helped and you can follow me on flick if you would like, maybe it could inspire you.

NO you are definitely not a good photographer.
Come on for crying out loud - what exactly do you think is "good" about this for instance
or any of the others for that matter.