Nikon SLR Cameras

A couple errors Nikon d90 (new camera)?


I just got my d90, and on the first day of use i'm getting a cha error, where it locks up. Can I fix this or should i exchange it for another body? I reformatted the card after I got it, and I'm getting it with multiple cards. Its a pain in the but, and I would rather not exchange it, but I guess I have to?

I'm also getting f-- errors. I have an 18-105, and as I said before I Really don't want to exchange it (its such a hassle with fedex), but if I paid for a 1200 dollar camera I don't want to be stuck with a broken one.

Added (1). @photoace - first of all thanks for all your help on this site. You're pretty awesome!
Second, I did look at the manual. I tried different cards, and i'm still getting the error. I've never had a problem with these cards before, which leads me to think its the camera. The camera will take pictures with it for a while, then after 2 or 3 itll freeze up and give me the CHR error. The only way to fix it is to take out the battery (resetting and turning it off doesn't work).

The F-- error. It happens when i'm adjusting the aperture. It doesn't let me adjust the aperture durign this error. The manual says this is caused by a bad connection btwn the lens and the camera. Only way to fix is to take the lens out and put it back in again. Happens to only come when i have a good shot in front of me, but that's irrelevant.

It also freezes up a lot. It won't take the picture every once in a while and it shows the white balance bar in the viewfinder.

Added (2). The camera doesn't have an aperture ring. Plus, I'd like to adjust the aperture. I wouldnt want to be restricted to one; thats the reason I got the camera.


1) call Nikon and ask for help 800. NIKON-UX
2) look on page 256 for the "CHR", not cha. It means that you are attempting to use a bad memory card or (page 257) that the memory cards "lock" is in the on position
3) fEE means that you need to set the lenses aperture to its smallest aperture (f/16 or f/22 usually)

All your problems are listed in your user manual. You may find downloading Nikon's pdf version a good way to find answers using the "Find" feature on Adobe Acrobat Reader

Your problems are the result of not having much experience using a Nikon dSLR camera, NOT because you got a bad one


It probably is undocumented (I don't have a D90 manual) but I think the CHA error means change the user.

For the CHR error, if you are sure that your cards work with other devices and their little switches aren't in the lock position, you will have to return the camera. You could buy a new memory card to verify this.

As for the FEE error, just set the aperture ring, the one closest to the rear or lens mount, to the largest number. If there's a lock beside that number, lock it.