Nikon SLR Cameras

60D Newbie and Crop Factor- Why the difference in Viewfinder?


I recently got a Canon 60D and I'm a newbie to having crop factor. I have the EFS 55-250mm Lens and the EF50mm f/1.8 II lens. When I look through my view finder with either of the lenses attached, things are so zoomed in it makes it difficult to get full pictures of stuff and people… I have to stand so far away just to get a decent shot. It has been frustrating to say the least because I was coming from a Nikon D60 which I could see the entire seen with no zoom.

When I was in an electronics store I was looking at a demo 60D camera; I thought I would take a look through it's view finder to see if it's any different. IT was so much different. It did not have the crop or the zoom and I was actually able to see an entire shot (Full Width). Why did the 60D on display have a full view without any crop but my 60D is cropped? The camera displayed in the store had an EFS 18-135

Can anybody offer some tips to this 60D newbie and explain why the difference in view is occurring?


First, crop factor deals with the sensor size, not the viewfinder. The difference you are noticing has to do with the focal length of the lenses you are using. The camera in the store had a wide angle to telephoto zoom. Both of the lenses you are using are standard to telephoto focal lengths. If you want a wider view, you need a lens that is wider than 50mm.

Think Tank II
Think Tank II

Your issue is not about crop factor. Do more research on crop factor.

The lenses you got 50mm and 55mm zoomed the view. If you want to see a wider view with your 50mm, move backwards. If you want to get a wide and but you are closer to the subject get a wide lens link 10~24mm or 18~55mm.

And yes, the 18~135mm will get a wider view because you can zoom it out up to 18mm.

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

It's the lenses, not the crop factor which refers to image sensor size.

Both lenses you listed have no wide angle capability, they both start off at 50mm/55mm.

The store camera starts out at 18mm, that's a wide angle, zoom that lens to 50mm, same thing, that's it.